Prophet Sheeth (PBUH) was one of the sons and successor of Adam, in addition to being a messenger as well.
After the death of Habil, Adam and Hawwa were very upset so Allah(SWT) gifted them with Sheeth (Seth). Ibn Katheer wrote, "The meaning of the name Sheeth is 'the gift from Allah (SWT)', Adam and Hawwa named him Sheeth because they were blessed with him after Habil was killed."
Abu Dhar narrated that Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: "Allah sent 104 revelations of which 50 were sent down to Sheeth."
After the death of Adam, he ruled with justice and brought unity between people, Iblis (Satan) couldn't stop him. Adam and his family lived in the mountains, Qabil and his descended were arrogant and greedy, so he decided to go away to a flat land.
Sheeth was very close to his father, he obeyed and learned everything from his father. He reminded all about the beginning and worship Allah alone. He was given instructions to prohibit and mix with people gone on the other side.
Men on the side of Qabil were not good looking but the women were beautiful and vice versa with the people of Sheeth.
According to narrations, Iblis made an appearance of a young boy and went to a blacksmith, asked if he can be a apprentice to him. He worked for him and designed a flute.
He started making sounds that people had never heard before . That was the beginning and people were unaware of those sounds. He made drums and started hitting on it, made many more instruments and blowed in it to make sounds.
People became so engrossed in it and slowly started forgetting the command of Allah (SWT).
On the other hand Sheeth kept reminding people about what's right and what's wrong. However, Iblis was teaching them how to do evil and how to create evil.
Flute was made and sounded pleasant. When Iblis brought the flute to the people, they started to move the body to the sound made by the instruments. They started to dance. This is how the musical instruments came into existence.
Through this he controlled them and set aside a day, people enjoyed and started to forget what was commanded by Allah (SWT) and it lasts till date.
Everybody would literally party, until the people of Sheeth was visited by Iblis. Iblis went to them and created a doubt in the mind about the "Law of Allah(SWT)".
"Why people are not allowed to mingle with their cousins on the other side of the land? What can be the reason? What is bad about those people?"
Men of the mountains also started to listen to the sounds of the instruments and liked it. They went towards the direction of the sound. Some decided only to peep on the other side.
They were just watching but it pulled them when they saw people enjoying, partying and beautiful women. They didn't intend to engage.
When the women saw good looking men, they started displaying their beauty. They started dressing up in order to attract men.
This was the first time, when Iblis taught women the act of displaying their beauty.
Likewise, men and women began to mingle, started enjoying music and resulted in Zina (illicit sexual relations). Young men enjoyed themselves with music and women.
Men from the mountains went back and told other men about what they're missing. They shared them their experience about the music and beauty. They went back to the land again with many more men.
Zina was done with collective and other enjoyment were done individually.
Shirk was still not introduced to the people by Iblis as he knew it was too early to them.
Sheeth tried to inform the people: "Do not follow the footsteps of Iblis, he's very smart. He brought music and Zina". However, Iblis took them first step up with evil.
When the time of his death Sheeth's son Enos (Anoush) succeeded him. He in turn, was succeeded by his son Qinan, who was succeeded by Mahlabeel (Mohallala).
It is said that no prophets came by the lineage of Qabil.
Persians claim that Mahlabeel was the king of seven regions, and he was the first to cut down trees to build cities and large forts. He built the city of Babylonia. He reigned for a period of 40 years. When he died his duties were taken over by his son Yard (Jarrod), who on his death bequeathed them to his son Idris (PBUH) according to the majority of the scholars.
Success comes from Allah (SWT) and He knows the best.
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